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  • Writer's picturecaleb chern

WATIGA 10th Anniversary & Company Retreat 2022

Since its inception in February 2012, WATIGA & CO. has expanded its suite of service offerings to include WATIGA TRUST, WATIGA ASIA and WATIGA LEGAL. WATIGA now covers all aspects of corporate, trust and legal services. WATIGA’s FinTech arm – SIRCURED – constantly strives to use technology to solve today’s problems.

On the 29th and 30th July, WATIGA celebrated its 10th anniversary with a fun-filled corporate retreat at the W Singapore with its staff members. It was also a time to revisit the many R&Rs – “Roles & Responsibilities”, “Reward & Recognition” and “Rest & Recuperation”. During the corporate retreat, our team members took a step back and looked at what we have achieved in the last 10 years, and renewed our commitment to provide bespoke solutions, personalised and exemplary service in the next decade and beyond.

As we commemorate our 10th anniversary this year, we continue to reflect upon the support many of you have given us. We thank you for being part of the WATIGA family and look forward to celebrating more milestones with you.


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